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Elta Fan Speed Controller
Elta fan speed controller units are very common in various ventilation set ups. The EL range is a range of fan speed controllers by Elta that are suitable to control all kinds of 240V single phase ventilation fan units. You can potentially use the EL range controllers with any other fan manufacturer. You can use the EL range to control the speed of fans by all manufacturers where single phase electronic speed control is suitable.
149 - EL21 compatible and suitable for for a maximum full load of 1.5 amps
149 - EL31 compatible and suitable for for a maximum full load of 3 amps
149 - EL31TK compatible and suitable for for a maximum full load of 3 amps (TK = motor protection)
149 - EL41 compatible and suitable for for a maximum full load of 4 amps
149 - EL61 compatible and suitable for for a maximum full load of 6 amps
149 - EL61TK is compatible and suitable for a maximum full load of 6 amps (TK = motor protection)
149 - EL101 suitable for a maximum full load of 10 amps
****You can view all of Elta's fan speed controller here on this link.

Elta fan speed controller's are versatile and useful for various applications and are a common site in a commercial kitchen. Call us now if you need advice, help or you need to purchase a supply or supply&install of this item.
"We continue to push the boundaries of air movement engineering.
Quality, reliability, performance, function and safety are the cardinal features of Elta Fans products. We carry out intensive research and development across our manufacturing sites internationally."