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Commercial Kitchen Extraction Fan Cleaning
Please scroll down or call us for more information

We do commercial kitchen extraction cleaning and we do it professionally.
We can help you with your installation and supply requirements. One company = seamless.
Call outs involving an engineer are charged hourly to save you money. Surveys are free.
Commercial Kitchen Extraction Fan Cleaning
We provide commercial extraction cleaning for all types of ventilation systems and are used to quick turn arounds and difficult cleans. We can provide scaffolding and special access if needed and there is no job that we can't sort. Call us for your commercial kitchen extraction cleaning requirements.
We offer all cleans for commercial ventilation and commercial kitchen extract systems.
- commercial ductwork cleaning
- commercial extraction fan cleaning
- extraction canopy cleaning
- ventilation ducting system cleans
- TR19 cleaning and approvals
Call or email us now for assistance and to arrange your maintenance requirements.